Set in 1984, 'Bandersnatch' is the story of geeky teenager Stefan (played by Fionn Whitehead of 'Dunkirk' fame) who sets out to turn a multiple-choice science-fiction book by the same title into a pioneering computer game that also presents the player with a series of choices.Įarly on, we learn that eccentric author of the original 'Bandersnatch' book descended into madness while writing the multiple-choice adventure, ultimately killing his wife. The result is 'Black Mirror: Bandersnatch,' Netflix's first-ever interactive movie for adults, which debuted on the service Friday.
The screen offers viewers the option of accepting or refusing an offer during the movie. Fionn Whitehead in Black Mirror: Bandersnatch. 'At that point, it was pretty simple,' recalled Brooker. But when they started to discuss ideas for future episodes of the show a few weeks later, they came up with a plot that really only worked as an interactive movie. 'To me, they always felt a bit gimmicky,' she said. Jones agreed, in part because she had never really liked prior examples of interactive storytelling.